a maroon jacket造句
- Dressed in a maroon jacket, Boast, 47, described how he had taken Laura Varga for a walk last summer.
- He noticed a " rough looking, leathery kind of looking guy " wearing a maroon jacket with a " B " on his cap.
- The next day, sometime before 7 : 30 a . m ., Harris returned to the carwash, this time wearing work clothes _ faded gray pants, a maroon jacket and a dark baseball cap, _ according to witnesses and affidavits.
- It's difficult to see a maroon jacket in a sentence. 用a maroon jacket造句挺难的
如何用a maroon jacket造句,用a maroon jacket造句,a maroon jacket in a sentence, 用a maroon jacket造句和a maroon jacket的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。